

Dr. Ying Xu, Associate Professor and Specially Hired Researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, and Young Backbone Teacher at Tianjin University. Awarded the First-Class Scientific and Technological Progress Award from Tianjin, the First-Class Scientific and Technological Progress Award from the China Highway and Transportation Society, and selected for the Tianjin 131 Innovation Talent Training Program. Has led three National Natural Science Foundation projects and three provincial and ministerial-level projects, with involvement in nearly 20 research projects. Has published over 40 academic papers, including nearly 30 SCI/EI-indexed papers as the first author or corresponding author, authored two academic monographs, holds 14 granted national patents, and contributed to the development of five local/association standards. Current research focuses on the topological optimization methods for prefabricated joints in large-span space structures, additive manufacturing technology, intelligent damage detection methods for large-span space structures, and the dynamic failure mechanisms of offshore wind turbine systems under the combined effects of wind, waves, currents, and earthquakes.


Ph.D. in Structural Engineering, Tianjin University, Sep. 2011-Jan. 2015

M.S. in Earthquake Engineering, Tianjin University, Sep. 2009-Jun. 2011

B.S. in Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Sep. 2005-Jun. 2009

Work Experience

Jan. 2024 - present Associate Professor (Specially Hired Researcher), Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University

Nov. 2017–Dec. 2023 Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University

Oct. 2016–Oct. 2017 Academic Visitor, University of Surrey, UK

Jun. 2014-Oct. 2016  Postdoctoral fellow in Hydraulic Engineering, Tianjin University

Research Interests

1. Mechanical performance and topology optimization method of prefabricated joints in large-span spatial structures

2. Mechanical performance and optimization design method of novel modular spatial structures

3. Intelligent monitoring and damage identification of large-span spatial structures

4. Coupling response mechanism of the OWT-foundation system under the joint action of wind, wave and earthquake


1. Beiyang Scholar Young Backbone Teacher Programme of Tianjin University, 2018.

2. Tianjin ‘131’ Innovative Talents Cultivation Project, Third Level Candidate, 2018.

3. First Prize for China Highway Society Science and Technology Awards, “Research on key technology for development and application of green crumb rubber concrete in roadway and bridge”, 2015.

4. First Prize for Tianjin Scientific and Technological Progress Award, “Technology and application on the failure mechanism and collapse-resistant performance improvement of large reticulated steel structure”,2014.

Memberships and Fellowships

1. Associate Editor of International Journal of Space Structures

2. Young Editorial Board Member of Earthquake Engineering and Resilience

3. Member of International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures

4. Reviewer of Journal of Building Engineering、 Journal of Structural Engineering、 Advances in Structural Engineering、 Journal of Earthquake Engineering

Selected Publications

[1] Ying Xu*, Zheng Ma, Wentao Lin. Multi-objective topology optimization and mechanical performance of AMAH joints in spatial structures[J]. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2025, 226, 109294.

[2] Ying Xu, Tao Shen, Junfan Zuo, Subhamoy Bhattacharya, Qinghua Han*, Shaking table tests and numerical analysis of monopile-supported offshore wind turbines under combined wind, wave and seismic loads, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024, 183, 108793.

[3] Ying Xu, Yufeng Gai, Hongtao Li, Qinghua Han*, Multi-objective shape-section optimization of free-form latticed shells using the RBF-NSGA-II algorithm, Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 200, 111918.

[4] Ying Xu*, Zheng Ma, Qiwen Huang, Multi-constrained topology optimization of prefabricated joints in large-span latticed structures [J], Structures, 2023, 56, 104809.

[5] Yan Dai, Ying Xu*, Gang Chen, Jiarui Gao, Mechanical behavior of aluminum assembled hub joints under combined bending moment and axial force [J], Structures, 2023, 58, 105402.

[6] Ying Xu*, Xiaoning Zhang, Qinghua Han, Wei Huang, Yiming Liu, Progressive collapse analysis of single-layer latticed domes with fabricated joints [J], Journal of the international association for shell and spatial structures, 2023, 64(2), 74-83.

[7] Xinran Ren, Ying Xu*, Tao Shen, Ying Wang, Subhamoy Bhattacharya. Support condition monitoring of monopile-supported offshore wind turbines in layered soil based on model updating [J]. Marine Structures, 2023, 87, 103342.

[8] Qinghua Han, Yongzhi Pan, Dabin Yang, Ying Xu*.CNN-based bolt loosening identification framework for prefabricated large-span spatial structures[J].Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2022, 12, 517-536.

[9] Ying Xu*, Yan Dai, Yunlong Jia. Study on the mechanical performances of aluminum assembled hub joints under axial loads[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 50: 104147.

[10] Ying Xu, Yongzhi Pan, Ying Wang, Dandan Deng, Qinghua Han*. Damage identification of single-layer cylindrical latticed shells based on the model updating technique[J]. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring, 2022, 12, 289-303.

[11] Ying Xu, Xiaoning Zhang, Qing-hua Han*. Research on the progressive collapse resistance of single-layer cylindrical latticed shells with AH joints[J]. Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 158: 107178.

[12] Ying Xu, Yan Dai, Chenxi Wang, Qing-hua Han*. Study on the bending performance of aluminum assembled hub joints[J]. Engineering Structures, 2021, 243(8): 112574.

[13] Ying Xu*, Xiaoning Zhang, Qinghua Han. Progressive collapse analysis of single-layer latticed domes with assembled hub joints [C]//Proceedings of the IASS Annual Symposium 2020/21, 23-27 August 2021, Surrey, UK.

[14] Qing-hua Han, Chen-xi Wang, Ying Xu*, Xiao-ning Zhang, Yi-ming Liu. Mechanical performance of AH joints and influence on the stability behaviour of single-layer cylindrical shells [J], Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 146:106459.

[15] Ying Xu, George Nikitas, Tong Zhang, Qinghua Han, Marios Chryssanthopoulos, Subhamoy Bhattacharya, Ying Wang*. Support condition monitoring of offshore wind turbines using model updating techniques[J], Structural Health Monitoring, September 16, 2019, 1-15.

[16] Qing-hua Han, Yi-ming Liu, Ying Xu*, Zhen-yu Li. Mechanical behaviours of assembled hub joints subjected to axial loads[J], Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2019, 153:667-685.

[17] Ying Xu, Jing-xiao Zheng, Chen-xi Wang, Qing-hua Han. Stability behaviour of aluminium single-layer reticulated domes with assembled hub joints [C]//9th International Conference on Steel and Aluminium Structures, Bradford, UK, 2019: 211-221.

[18] Ying Xu, Qing-hua Han*, Zhong-xian Liu, Jian-wen Liang. The diffraction of Rayleigh waves by twin circular cavities in a poroelastic half-space [J], Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2018, 22:970-987.

[19] Ying Xu, Qing-hua Han*, G.A.R. Parke, Yi-ming Liu. Experimental study and numerical simulation of the progressive collapse resistance of single-layer latticed domes [J], Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2017, 143(9), 04017121.

[20] Qing-hua Han, Yi-ming Liu, Jin-yuan Zhang, Ying Xu*. Mechanical behaviors of the Assembled Hub (AH) joints subjected to bending moment [J], Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, 138: 806-822.

[21] Qing-hua Han, Yi-ming Liu, Ying Xu. Study on the Assembled Hub joints in single-layer reticulated domes[C]//Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia. International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS), 2017, 2017(3): 1-8.

[22] Qing-hua Han, Yi-ming Liu, Ying Xu*. Stiffness characteristics of joints and influence on stability of single-layer latticed domes [J], Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 107:514-525.

[23] Qing-hua Han, Ying Xu*, Yan Lu, Jie Xu, Qiu-hong Zhao. Failure mechanism of steel arch trusses: shaking table testing and FEM analysis [J]. Engineering Structures, 2015, 82:182-198.