

Dr. Zhongxing Wang, male, CPC member, doctor, associate professor/specially hired researcher of Tianjin University. The main research fields are aluminum alloy structure and its fire resistance, 3D printing of metal structure, structural earthquake resistance, scale model design methods for structures under combined earthquake and wave-current action etc. He has presided over 2 National Natural Science Foundation (1 general program, 1 youth program), 1 subtask of research topic supported by National Science and Technology Major Project, 1 Science and Technology Program of Tianjin, 9 open topics and engineering consulting projects of national, provincial and ministerial key laboratories, participated in 4 national, provincial and ministerial courses as the backbone of the project, and published 29 SCI papers as the first or corresponding author, 1 academic monograph have been published, 8 national invention patents and 3 software copyright have been authorized. Led the writing of 1 CECS standard, participated in the preparation of 8 national and industrial standards.


Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, Sep. 2014 - Jun. 2020

B.S. in Civil Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Sep. 2010 - Jun. 2014

Work Experience

Jul. 2020 - Dec. 2023 Associate Professor, School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University

Jan. 2024 - present Associate Professor / Specially Hired Researcher, School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University

Research Interests

1. Aluminum alloy and high strength aluminum alloy structure

2. Fire resistance of aluminum alloy structure

3. 3D printing of metal structure

4. Scale model design methods for structures under combined earthquake and wave-current action

5. Structural earthquake resistance

Honors and Awards

2024 Selected as one of the first batch of Young Scientific and technological talents in Tianjin (Third Level)

2023 The Training Plan for Leading Innovative Talent of Science and Technology, Tianjin University, China

Best Paper Award in steel structure and space structure (2022) of Engineering Structures (Elsevier). (Paper Title: Benchmark tests on high strength steel frames)

Grand Prize for China Construction Metal Structure Association Science and Technology Award, 2022 (Rank 12)

Best Paper Award for International Conference on Green Building, Civil Engineering and Smart City, 2022

Graduate Students’ Special Scholarship of Tsinghua University

Best Academic Youngster of Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University in 2020

Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of Tsinghua University

Outstanding Doctoral Graduate of Tsinghua University

Outstanding student of Dalian University of Technology

National Scholarship of China (three times: 2011, 2013, 2016)

China Civil Engineering Society (CCES) Outstanding Graduate

Merit Student of Liaoning Province

Outstanding Graduate of Liaoning Province

Outstanding Paper of Annual Conference of Structural Stability and Fatigue Branch of China Steel Structure Association

Society Members

Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers (aff. M. ASCE)

Member of the 9th, 10th Youth Council of Sub-association for Stability and Fatigue of Steel Structures, China Steel Construction Society

Member of the Inspection, Appraisal and Reinforcement Subcommittee of China Construction Metal Structure Association

Member of the Committee on Light-Weight Steel Structures,China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization

Member of the Council of Sub-association for Advanced Engineering Materials, China Civil Engineering Society

Member of the Expert Database of China Construction Metal Structure Association

Selected Publications

[1] Jianjie Sun, Chunyin Ma, Zhongxing Wang*, Qinghua Han*, Experimental investigations on the structural performance of the swage-locking pin without separating pintail (SLP-WSP) at elevated temperatures, Engineering Structures, 2025, 325, 119333.

[2] Qinghua Han, Mengyu Li, Zhongxing Wang*, Evaluation on the applicability of similitude laws for scaled model design in underwater shaking table tests in the elastic stage, Applied Ocean Research, 2024, 153, 104252.

[3] Zhongxing Wang, Lele Zhan, Xiang Yun*, Experimental study of local buckling behaviour of 7A04-T6 high strength aluminium alloy H-section stub columns in fire, Engineering Structures, 2024, 317, 118631.

[4] Zhongxing Wang, Chunyin Ma, Xiang Yun, Qinghua Han*, Beibei Li, Zongyi Wang, Experimental study on structural performance of 7A04-T6 high-strength aluminium alloy shear connections in and after fire, Engineering Structures, 2024, 309, 118028.

[5] Qinghua Han, Mengyu Li, Zhongxing Wang*, Bridge pier under coupled earthquake and wave-current actions: Numerical model establishing, optimization and structural response analysis, Ocean Engineering, 2024, 302, 117520.

[6] Zhongxing Wang, Yuhang Hou, Cheng Huang, Qinghua Han, Liang Zong, ManTai Chen, Kailai Deng, Leroy Gardner, Experimental study and constitutive modelling of wire arc additively manufactured steel under cyclic loading, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2024, 213, 108420.

[7] ManTai Chen, Zhichao Gong, Tianyi Zhang, Wenkang Zuo, Yang Zhao, Ou Zhao, Guodong Zhang, Zhongxing Wang, Mechanical behavior of austenitic stainless steels produced by wire arc additive manufacturing, Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 196, 111455.

[8] Qinghua Han, Mengyu Li, Zhongxing Wang, Jianjie Sun, Mingjie Liu, Strategy of scaled modeling for underwater shaking table tests on cylindrical marine structures under coupled earthquake and wave-current action: A review, Earthquake Engineering and Resilience, 2023, 2(3), 263-281.

[9] Qinghua Han, Mengyu Li, Zhongxing Wang, Testing of high strength aluminium alloy SHS and RHS stub columns in fire, Engineering Structures, 2023, 284, 115971.

[10] Qinghua Han, Mengyu Li, Zhongxing Wang, Xiang Yun, Yuanwen Ouyang, Local buckling behaviour and design of aluminium alloy plates in fire, Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 189, 110886.

[11] Zhongxing Wang, Xiang Yun, Yuanqing Wang, Chunyin Ma, JiaBao Yan, Numerical study and design of swage-locking pinned aluminium alloy shear connections, Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 190, 1110949.

[12] Zhongxing Wang, Chunyin Ma, Mengyu Li, Qinghua Han*, Hai-Ting Li, Dongdong Zhao, Mechanical properties of 7A04-T6 high strength structural aluminium alloy at elevated temperatures and after cooling down, Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 180, 109930.

[13] Zhongxing Wang, Mengyu Li, Qinghua Hua*, Xiang Yun*, Kan Zhou, Leroy Gardner, Federico M. Mazzolani, Structural fire behaviour of aluminium alloy structures: Review and outlook, Engineering Structures, 2022, 268, 114746.

[14] Beibei Li, Yuanqing Wang, Zhongxing Wang*, Xinhang Zhi, Ying Zhang, Yuanwen Ouyang, 7A04-T6 high-strength aluminium alloy SHS and RHS beams under pure bending-Testing, modelling and design recommendations, Thin-Walled Structures, 2022, 177, 109400.

[15] Xiang Yun, Yufei Zhu, Zhongxing Wang*, Leroy Gardner, Benchmark tests on high strength steel frames, Engineering Structures, 2022, 258, 114108.

[16] Zhongxing Wang, Yuanqing Wang, Beibei Li*, Ying Zhang, Experimental and numerical study on seismic behaviour of aluminium alloy frames, Journal of Building Engineering, 2022, 50, 104231.

[17] Wang YQ, Wang ZX*, Yin FX, Yang L, Shi YJ, Yin J, Experimental study and finite element analysis on the local buckling behavior of aluminium alloy beams under concentrated loads, Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 105, 44-56.

[18] Wang YQ, Wang ZX*, Hu XG, Han JK, Xing HJ, Experimental study and parametric analysis on the stability behavior of 7A04 high-strength aluminum alloy angle columns under axial compression, Thin-Walled Structures, 2016, 108, 305-320.

[19] Wang YQ, Wang ZX*, Experimental investigation and FE analysis on constitutive relationship of high strength aluminum alloy under cyclic loading, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 1-16.

[20] Wang ZX*, Wang YQ, Sojeong J, Ouyang YW, Experimental investigation and parametric analysis on overall buckling behavior of large-section aluminum alloy columns under axial compression, Thin-Walled Structures, 2018, 122, 585-596.

[21] Wang ZX, Wang YQ*, Zhang GX, Shi YJ, Tests and parametric analysis of aluminum alloy bolted joints of different material types, Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 185, 589-599.

[22] Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Zhang Y, Gardner L*, Ouyang YW, Experimental investigation and design of extruded aluminium alloy T-stubs connected by swage-locking pins, Engineering Structures, 2019, 200.

[23] Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Yun X, Gardner L*, Hu XG, Experimental and numerical study of fixed-ended high strength aluminium alloy angle section columns, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2020.

[24] Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Zhang Y, Wang ZY*, Ouyang YW, Experimental investigation on the behaviour of aluminium alloy beam-to-column joints connected by swage-locking pins, Engineering Structures, 2020, 213.

[25] Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Yun X, Zhang Y*, Li ZQ, Wang ZY, Numerical modelling of extruded aluminium alloy T-stubs connected by swage-locking pins: FE validation and parametric study, Thin-Walled Structures, 2020, 155, 106926.

[26] Yun X, Wang ZX*, Gardner L, Structural performance and design of hot-rolled steel SHS and RHS under combined axial compression and bending, Structures, 2020, 27, 1289-1298.

[27] Yun X, Wang ZX*, Gardner L, Full-range stress-strain curves for aluminum alloys, Journal of Structural Engineering, 2021, 147(6), 04021060.10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002999.

[28] Wang ZX, Wang YQ, Yun X*, Gardner L, Lip HT, Experimental study of swage-locking pinned aluminium alloy shear connections, Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 163, 107641.

[29] Zhang Y, Wang YQ, Li BB*, Wang ZX, Liu XC, Zhang JG, Ouyang YW, Structural behaviour of the aluminium alloy Temcor joints and Box-I section hybrid gusset joints under combined bending and shear, Engineering Structures, 2021, 249, 113380.

[30] Zhang Y, Bu YD*, Wang YQ, Wang ZX, Ouyang YW, Study of flexural–torsional buckling behaviour of 6061-T6 aluminium alloy unequal-leg angle columns, Thin-Walled Structures, 2021, 164, 107821.

[31] Ye QX, Wang YQ, Wang ZX, Lin Y*, Shu C, Zhang F, Experimental study of through diaphragm bolted joint between H-beam to CFST column, Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2021, 182, 106647.


1. Mechanism and Design of Swage Locking Pinned Connections and Beam-to-Column Joints in Aluminium Alloy Structures, Zhongxing Wang, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China, 2022.