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Academic Report:A cloud report by Prof. SHAO Jianfu from University of Lille

On July 2, 2020, the “Innovation Base of Earthquake Engineering Comprehensive Simulation” held a “Cloud Report”, and invited Prof. SHAO Jianfu, an excellent-class professor and heading the geomechanics research team at University of Lille, to present a report named “Recent advances of multi-scale modeling of geomaterials”. 

Associate Prof. Jie Xu from the School of Civil Engineering hosted the report. Prof. Mingjing Jiang, Vice dean of School of Civil Engineering, delivered a welcome speech. By way of an online classroom, Prof. SHAO Jianfu gave a short review of main results obtained in his team. He also presented some newly obtained results on the micro-mechanical modeling of induced damage in quasi-brittle materials and on the plastic modeling of quasi-ductile materials.  

The audience at the meeting learnt about the analytical methods in considering complex micro-structures, such as the FFT-based numerical homogenization method. After the report, Prof. SHAO Jianfu and the audience conducted an online discussion on related issues. 

A total of 323 teachers and students participated this “Cloud Report”, including 49 teachers, 178 graduate students, 27 international students and 69 undergraduate students. The audience were from 37 universities including Tianjin University, Tongji University, Southeast University, etc. 

 Fig.1. Online group photo of some participating teachers and students


        Introduction to Prof. SHAO Jianfu

Professor Shao has received his doctoral degree in 1987 from University of Lille in France. He is currently an excellent-class professor and heading the geomechanics research team at this university. Professor Shao has developed a series of theoretical, experimental and numerical studies on various topics, in particular, multi-scale modeling, mechanics of saturated and partially saturated porous materials, damage mechanics and plasticity, thermo-hydromechanical and chemical coupling. His research team results have been widely applied to various engineering applications such petroleum industry, geological disposal of nuclear waste and sequestration of acid gas, unconventional oil and gas engineering, geothermal engineering and hydraulic power engineering. He was the principal investigator of more than thirty national and international projects. He is an overseas expert of the Chinese Academy of Science. He was received a NSFC overseas outstanding youth fund. He was the optic PI of a China State 973 project and is currently the PI of a China State Key R&D project. He is an associated editor of two major international journals (IJRMMS, EJECE) and a member of editorial board for three other top international journals (IJP, COGE, NAG). He has received an excellent contributions Award (2011) from the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (IACMAG). He is co-editor of 7 books and delivered 19 keynotes lectures. He authors and co-authors of 24 chapters in books, more than 250 peer-reviewed SCI journal papers, with more than 5500 citations (web of science) and h-index of 38.

        (Corresponding:Dazhi Dang)