News and Events

Academic Report: A Report by Professor Akira Wada from Tokyo Institute of Technology and Associate Professor Takuya Nagae from Nagoya University

On June 15, 2024, the “Innovation Base of Earthquake Engineering Comprehensive Simulation” 132th and 133th “Lecture Room” was successfully held. At the invitation of Assistant Professor Yundong Shi, School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Professor Akira Wada, from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, and Associate Professor Takuya Nagae from Nagoya University, Japan, presented special reports at Zhang Hanying Hall of Simulation Center, National Facility for Earthquake Engineering Simulation. Professor Akira Wada delivered a special report titled "Fifty Years of Severe Earthquake Experiences in Japan and the Next Direction of Structures in the World", while Associate Professor Takuya Nagae delivered a special report titled "RC framing system assessment with design practice viewpoints and current numerical modeling tries".

Assistant Professor Yundong Shi from the School of Civil Engineering at Tianjin University chaired the lecture and introduced the guest speaker. In this lecture, Professor Akira Wada gave an introduction of fifty years of severe earthquake experiences in Japan and the next direction of structures in the world, including but not limited to, (1) Resilient design for long-life cities, and (2) The popularization and application of seismic isolation structures and passive control structures. Associate Professor Takuya Nagae, on the other hand, reviewed the testing of the U.S.-Japan collaborative RC framing system including, but not limited to, (1) Technical considerations of current design guidelines for RC framing systems, and (2) Numerical simulation of the design of the building components (e.g., columns, beams, and walls). After the presentation, Professor Akira Wada, Associate Professor Takuya Nagae and attendees engaged in a lively discussion on relevant issues. Professor Xuesong Cheng presented certificates to Professor Akira Wada and Associate Professor Takuya Nagae.




Fig.1. Associate Professor Yundong Shi hosted the lecture

 Fig.2. Lecture by Professor Akira Wada

 Fig.3. Lecture by Associate Professor Takuya Nagae



Fig.4. Lecture by Professor Akira Wada

 Fig.5. Lecture by Associate Professor Takuya Nagae





Fig.6. Question & answer session



Fig.7. Issuing of certificate

According to statistics, the lecture attracted 98 teachers and students from Tianjin University and other universities, containing 42 online participants. The effect of the lecture was remarkable. Teachers and students responded enthusiastically to the lecture and looked forward to bringing more wonderful lectures to the broad masses of teachers and students.


 Fig.8. Composition of attendees

Introduction to Professor Akira Wada:

Dr. Akira Wada, Professor Emeritus at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, a recipient of the 2011 Fazlur R. Khan Lifetime Achievement Medal from CTBUH, President of SEWC from May 2022, and is Japan's leading expert in structural engineering with a specific focus on seismic design, seismic isolation and passive controlled. Dr. Wada's contributions to science and technology and connections in Japanese academic and government circles make him uniquely qualified to lead and consult on various projects.Since becoming a Professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1982, Dr.Wada has held several important positions, serving as President of the Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ, 2011.6-2013.5) and President of the Japan Society of Seismic Isolation (JSSI, 2014.6-2022.5) and President of Japan Seismic Isolation Laboratory (JSIL, 2021.4-now).

Introduction to Professor Takuya Nagae:

Takuya Nagae worked in NIED (E-Defense, Senior Researcher) from 2006 to2014 and in Nagoya University from 2014 to 2023. He has continued a series of large-scale tests on RC, Steel and Wood structures in Nagoya University after his E-Defense period. Sub-structure representations regarding high-rise building responses were developed in his career. He has promoted a variety of international joint projects, consistently.

(Corresponding: Zhuofan Wu)