


张津瑞,男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。入选天津市青年人才托举工程、天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次、天津大学北洋学者青年骨干教师计划。博士毕业于香港科技大学土木工程系,师承美国混凝土学会科研终身成就奖获得者-李宗津教授,长期从事混凝土材料与结构耐久性及新型水泥基功能材料的科学研究与开发应用。负责国家自然科学基金项目、中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目等国家级及省部级科研项目5项。获天津市科学技术进步一等奖2项、山东省自然科学二等奖1项、天津市科学技术进步二等奖1项。授权发明专利12项、实用新型专利5项。出版专著1册,发表SCI学术论文78篇,SCI引用超1600次,担任国际著名SCI学术期刊《Frontiers in Materials》客座副主编。


2013.08-2016.06 香港科技大学,土木工程专业,研究生,获博士学位

2011.08-2013.07 香港科技大学,土木工程专业,研究生,获硕士学位

2007.09-2011.07 燕山大学,土木工程专业,本科,获学士学位


2019.11-至今 天津大学,副教授

2017.04-2019.11 天津大学,博士后,合作导师:钟登华院士

2016.05-2016.11 香港科技大学,博士后,合作导师:李宗津教授












1. Qinghua Han, Youzhi Yang, Jinrui Zhang*, Biqing Dong, Electrochemical characterization of chloride ion transport in rubber concrete, Journal of Building Engineering, 2023, 73, 106658.

2. Qinghua Han, An Wang, Jinrui Zhang*, Research on the removal of Cr(VI) ions from wastewater by Mg/Al-layered double oxides, Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 29, 101466.

3. Jinrui Zhang, Yingnan Qi, Tong Lv, Xujing Niu, Bowen Tai*, Effects of sodium dodecyl sulfate on nano carbon black-filled cement paste: performance and microstructure, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2023, 24, 1706-1715.

4. Ziye Kang, Jinrui Zhang*, Dongshuai Hou, Biqin Dong, Effects of tannic acid on the late-age strength of autoclave curing cement paste, Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 390, 131740.

5. Jinrui Zhang, Wenjun Niu, Youzhi Yang*, Dongshuai Hou, Biqin Dong, Machine learning prediction models for compressive strength of calcined sludge-cement composites, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 346, 128442.

6. Jinrui Zhang, Tong Lv, Qinghua Han*, Yu Zhu, Dongshuai Hou, Biqin Dong, Effects of fly ash on MgO-based shrinkage-compensating cement: Microstructure and properties, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 339, 127648.

7. Jinrui Zhang,Tong Lv, Yu Zhu*, Dongshuai Hou, Damage mechanism of engineered cementitious composites after exposed to elevated temperatures: Experimental and molecular dynamics study, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 129, 104507.

8. Jinrui Zhang,Mengxi Zhang*, Biqin Dong, Hongyan Ma, Quantitative evaluation of steel corrosion induced deterioration in rubber concrete by integrating ultrasonic testing, machine learning and mesoscale simulation, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2022, 128, 104426.

9. Qinghua Han, An Wang,Jinrui Zhang*, Research on the early fracture behavior of fly ash-based geopolymers modified by molybdenum tailings, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 365, 132759.

10. Dongshuai Hou, Heping Zheng, Pan Wang, Xiaomei Wan, Bing Yin, Muhan Wang,Jinrui Zhang*, Molecular dynamics study on sodium chloride solution transport through the Calcium-Silicate-Hydrate nanocone channel, Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 342, 128068.

11. Yuyang Zhao,Jinrui Zhang*, Gang Qiao, Dongshuai Hou, Biqin Dong, Hongyan Ma, Enhancement of Cement Paste with Carboxylated Carbon Nanotubes and Poly(vinyl alcohol), ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2022, 5, 6877-6889.

12. Xinpeng Wang, Di Wu, Jinrui Zhang*, Rui Yu, Dongshuai Hou, Zhonghe Shui, Design of sustainable ultra-high performance concrete: A review, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 307, 124643.

13. Qinghua Han, Ning Wang, Jinrui Zhang*, Jiao Yu, Dongshuai Hou, Biqin Dong, Experimental and computational study on chloride ion transport and corrosion inhibition mechanism of rubber concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 268, 121105

14. Jinyuan Zhang, Yu Ke, Jinrui Zhang*, Qinghua Han, Biqin Dong, Cement paste with well-dispersed multi-walled carbon nanotubes: Mechanism and performance, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 262, 120746.

15. Qinghua Han, Youzhi Yang, Jinrui Zhang*, Jiao Yu, Dongshuai Hou, Biqin Dong, Hongyan Ma, Insights into the interfacial strengthening mechanism of waste rubber/cement paste using polyvinyl alcohol: Experimental and molecular dynamics study, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 114, 103791.

16. Pan Wang, Gang Qiao, Yue Zhang, Dongshuai Hou, Jinrui Zhang*, Muhan Wang, Xinpeng Wang, Xiaoxia Hu, Molecular dynamics simulation study on interfacial shear strength between calcium-silicate-hydrate and polymer fibers, Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 257, 119557.

17. Dongli Wang, Qingxin Zhao, Jinrui Zhang*, Luyun Jin, Experimental research for elastic modulus of cement paste at ultra-early age based on indentation technique, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 226, 51-60.

18. Dongshuai Hou, Xiaoqian Xu, Yiming Ge, Pan Wang, Jizhou Chen, Jinrui Zhang*, Molecular structure, dynamics and adsorption behavior of water molecules and ions on [0 1 0] surface of γ-FeOOH: A molecular dynamics approach, Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 224, 785-795.

19. Dongshuai Hou, Tao Li, Qinghua Han, Jinrui Zhang*, Insight on the sodium and chloride ions adsorption mechanism on the ettringite crystal: Structure, dynamics and interfacial interaction, Computational Materials Science, 2018, 153, 479-492.