2015 / 08-2021 / 05 University of Houston, U.S.A., PhD degree, graduate student, majoring in exploration geophysics 2008 / 08-2012 / 05 University of Science and Technology of China, Solid State Geophysics, undergraduate, bachelor 's degree
Research interests
Seismic wave inversion and imaging
Seismic wave field simulation
Selected publications
{1}Zheng, Yingcai, and Zhonghan Liu. "Concepts in the Direct Waveform Inversion (DWI) Using Explicit Time-Space Causality." COMMUNICATIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS 28.1 (2020): 342-355.
{2}Liu, Zhonghan, Yingcai Zheng, and Hua-Wei Zhou. "Simultaneous inversion of layered velocity and density profiles using Direct Waveform Inversion (DWI): 1D case." Frontiers in Earth Science 9 (2022): 1296.